
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - South Carolina
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

The largest city and state capital of S. Carolina with a population of around 150000 citizens is



Which National Monument near Charleston marks the site of the start of the American Civil War ?


Fort Union
Fort Sumter
Fort Stanwix
Fort McHenry

Which 1539 mile Interstate runs from Florence, South Carolina to Kent, Texas ?


Interstate 20
Interstate 85
Interstate 26
Interstate 10

Which notable beach is found in the popular Grand Starnd area of South Carolina ?


Cocoa Beach
Sunset Beach
Myrtle Beach
Venice Beach

Which area of South Carolina gives its name to a popular 1920 dance which was popular there ?



South Carolina is known as the


Pine Tree State
Peace Garden State
Palmetto State
Pelican State

The central plain of South Carolina discharges into the Atlantic mainly through which waterway ?


Pee Dee River
Santee River
Savannah River
Edisto River

Which 610 mile Interstate runs from Columbia, South Carolina to Cleveland, Ohio ?


Interstate 20
Interstate 85
Interstate 26
Interstate 10

Most of the border between South Carolina and Georgia is determined by which river ?


Pee Dee River
Santee River
Savannah River
Edisto River

The population of South Carolina is around


2.1 million
4.2 million
8.4 million
1.1 million

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012